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About HiiN

“Hiin" means the ocean waves in Taiwanese.

Ocean, the mother of life, fulfilled of love, covered by water.


In nowadays, people are facing the marine environmental issues, which were influenced by human pollution.

We choose to stand up for facing the situations of pollution.

Hiin tried to spread the conception of protecting the environment through multiple activities,

such as beach cleaning up events, artwork with sea wastes, symposia in schools, etc.

We would like to invite everyone joining us to decrease the waste of resources and make the environment we live much more sustainable.

If you have interesting join us 
Drop me a line

Contact Us: 

海湧工作室有限公司   HiiN studio

0928-222-068  陳人平 (Brucevil Chen)

0982-504-549  郭   芙 (Sally Kuo )


​Find us: 

24259 新北市新莊區建安街25巷6號8樓

8F., No.6, Ln. 25, Jian’an St., Xinzhuang Dist.,

New Taipei City 242, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


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